Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Dead Sea Mud

I was just looking through my pictures from Israel taken a few months ago. And I just saw this and it made me wonder. They tell usthat dead sea mud is really god for you with all it's minerals and so on and I'm sure it is.
My skin felt great after all the mud soaking and I was sure to buy Emilia lots of product that I've also used in secret.
But I can't escape the fact that I was essentially rolling around in mud. Is there any other circumstance in life where I could get away with rolling aorund in mud and NOT get disapproved of?
I couldn't really get away with this, even in my garden. And it seems a bit of a shame. Rolling around in the mud was actually a lot of fun, even if it hadn't have been good for my skin. As a child I wouldn't have thought twice about it.
There was something about the place and the experience that just reminded me of the 80s. I wasnt sure what it was, but I think it's the way it made me feel. Like a child again. I wish more mud was medicinal....
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